
Thumbnail of the map 'Eulogy'

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Author Innovation
Tags author:innovation hidden mine-jumper playable rated
Created 2007-08-24
Last Modified 2007-08-24
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Guess why it's called Eulogy.

Looks noob-ish, I don't care.
RCE, steal.

Removed some of the mines and made a couple of changes.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Candy Striper' Thumbnail of the map 'Tread Lightly' Thumbnail of the map 'Condensed' Thumbnail of the map 'Doble Ve' Thumbnail of the map 'Miniset-Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'A canary told me'
Candy Striper Tread Lightly Condensed Doble Ve Miniset-Tileset A canary told me


Pages: (0)


Mines appear to be a few pixels smaller than gold, probably to allow you to walk under them when they're one tile away from the ground. If you try to walk under anything else positioned there, you'll activate it/pick it up.
I hate that, I've seen worse comment. >.<


worth a 3
I've seen worse

@ HUH?

I know what you voted. x]
Averages are easy to figure out.

I don't care that playa1 didn't vote.
He/she would've given me a 0.. so yeah.

Because you're not actually touching the mine.
So yeah.

I don't know.
btw i voted, but i wont say what score. Nice map. Why is it that there are 3 votes on this page when you only have two votes on your map? Why do people post scores when they don't vote? other thing: why can you absorb gold from sliding but you can't absorb mines from sliding?
I'm going to keep some of the lower mines though.

ok the top tiles

with mines in them are fun. but get rid of any others. also the door switch is too hard to get without hitting the above mine.

actually never mind

its sorta fun. but not really fun, just a little bit. 3.
inside the damn tiles.

Yeah, I'm not sure.
New title!

wait what?

is that like a take off of dead poets society?

