Big 20

Thumbnail of the map 'Big 20'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sunset
Tags 20 author:sunset race rated
Created 2011-07-22
Last Modified 2011-07-22
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Happy birthday, Meta_Ing!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Yes' Thumbnail of the map 'Medication' Thumbnail of the map 'Coranoir' Thumbnail of the map 'Motor law' Thumbnail of the map 'Avast your ass!' Thumbnail of the map 'The scattered sun'
Yes Medication Coranoir Motor law Avast your ass! The scattered sun


Pages: (0)

I really liked

the flow to it. Here's a decent SR :) 4.5/5^^^
Demo Data
Demo Data

not big deal

the flow is very perpendicular, like if it doesn't have a real dynamic flow, but just a racetrack with acute turns and a flow that is really hard to find out, and some parts have lack of flow, and some even don't. NR
Demo Data

I love this race

The style, it's awesome.

flow was bleh here and there, but the overall experience is awesome.

Not bad

There were a lot of awkward spots though. The perpendicular jump off the 1's was pretty horrible. The second perp jump was a little better, but because of the high speed you're going at when you get to it I find it very frustrating to hit. The squeeze after you get the door switch... I don't know if I was missing something there, but I just can't get it to work smoothly.

Meh, not a fan. NR.
Demo Data


haw did the first commenter know that we call him meta for short...?

Curiouser and curiouser....
Demo Data

I thought it lost it slightly towards the end still good though

Lol demo.

Demo Data

Lol edit.


cant find the floww in some parts.
and happy birth day Meta!
Demo Data


cant find the floww in some parts
Demo Data
He must feel pretty lucky. Getting an entire map dedicated to him for his birthday. Enjoy your birthday map, Meta.