Comments on "FUCK YO' COUCH + Trippin' Balls"

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This community isnt as fun as it used to be.



those are the kind of reviews that just get on my nerves.

dear flag,

just for that, your presence will now be gracing my profile.

And, uh...

"Most people just like this map because it says f***."



That doesn't....

You- You can't...

You know what? I- I'm just going to go to bed now and never think about this map again.
I personally have a few maps that I want to feature that I don't think anyone else has the audacity to do, because I have rather...alternative tastes.

I can't say that the same doesn't apply to Southie.
as you can tell from my elegant as FUCK demo
Demo Data
Classy haters? Really?
I like that!

Sqibbles: Do you honestly think this map deserves to be featured? I can think of so many other maps that are better than this. OBJECTIVELY. Most people just like this map because it says f***.

Natai, sir,

I take my hat off to you and toasters. I have never seen a double post that was split in half by someone else's post.

Also, you use better grammar than the guys who always complain about my features. Why does southpaw get the classy haters?


Natai, sir,

I take my hat off to you and toasters. I have never seen a double post that was split in half by someone else's post.

Also, you use better grammar than the guys who always complain about my features. Why does southpaw get the classy haters?

stay classy NUMA

never change




Good is subjectave.

Just because you dislike it doesn't mean anyone else does.

Oh. my. god.

He featured it because he thought it was feature worthy. THE END.



For abusing his position as a reviewer. I dont mind you making maps like this. Anyone's entitled to make maps.
Granted I wasn't high when I wrote it, but still.
Gameplay: Not excellent, a little cramped

Aesthetics: Absolutely horrible

Originality: You just mashed together the tileset

Okay, I'll bite

I'm finally curious enough to ask why exactly you think it's "stupid."
I just believe stupid maps like this dont deserve to be featured, and featuring should be taken a little more seriously, and not just a way to draw attention to a dumb map.

actually Natai... has always been said that the purpose of Featured Maps is to share a map that you like with the community. It has nothing to do with the quality, the only prerequisate is that the reviewer likes it.

More often then not, this means that it is a high quality map, but this is not required. Any map is eligable for featuring.
I don't think you have.
regarding dronie noms the site is still up
I just couldnt think of a theme for a new map, so i just criticized this one in a map. I did that with the heron thing, dont bother
I'm not annoyed you made this map; you can do whatever you want; i dont care.

I just think the point of a featured map is to show others how fun or interesting a map is, not what some reviewers do now, which is more like picking the stupidest map or the map that will cause the most comments.

Mediocre AGD

I liked this.

Demo Data


yeah! Maps should be totally serious affairs! Nobody should make stupid maps that are jokes, or non-playable, or serve a function other than providing enjoyable gameplay!

It's not about the mapper having fun, but the player!
The map is pretty good too

Everyone who's saying "I don't like this, I don't like that, this was awful, etc" with no real logical comment behind it needs to shut the fuck up.

That is all.

power ranger potato

power ranger french fries
power ranger mashed potatos
power ranger potato farm
I'm annoyed origami_alligator seems to be delisting maps for being "annoying" but featuring those which are just plain stupid.
I someday aspire to be the user on numa with the highest ratio of maps with non-sequitir reviews to maps with reviews that make sense. Right now that ratio is two out of three.

Natai, in all fairness the heron thing was getting really freakin' annoying. And if the word "fuck" offends you that much... well, have fun with that.

I do agree that I have many better and more not-made-as-a-complete-joke maps than this one, though.

I Agree.

He's an idiot.

origami_alligator (is a depressing fucking absolute idiot)
My map with a heron in it: Delisted by origami alligator

This depressingly stupid map that has f*** in the title: Featured by origami_alligator

karmapolice, this map is actually really good. don't let your prejudice for anything out of the ordinary get to you here.


Awesome! Brings back memories!

(namely )

Great tribute!