Sunday N Comments
by Alex Kurcharski,
featuring Tanner Rogalsky
and Matt Blaylock
But people who don't have English as their first language may find it difficult to keep up.
It would be a lot of work.
And I don't really see the need for a transcript personally...
Yeah, there is no text version beyond what you see there. I, personally, can't stomach the thought of typing out seven or eight minutes of transcript every time I do a VeNterviewed. Sorry but I just don't see it as doable.
I didn't realise it had been released. I'll chuck it in next week's, yo.
Nice little issue.
/me notices the bigger headlines.
Were you intending to put the Somnium Expansion up there?
I'll talk to Tanner and see if he's up for doing that. It might be a hell of a lot more effort though, so don't expect a yes. I'll see, though.
Good issue
Had some decent maps. Not as many as last time but I understand why. You didn't have the energy and there weren't as many good maps as last week anyway.
Dont look at that as an insult or complaint, its not intended to be.
Pretty good issue. Im looking forawrd to the Nterviewed too
I'm looking forward to the next Nterview
is it possible that in the episodes you do venterviews or whatever they are called you could post a link to a text version too? that would be great.
KinGAleXJust so you know, the next issue will be up as soon as maestro comes online.