Comments on "The Mountain"

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weirdest non-PALEMOON description I've ever read.

<3 gloomp

This map is win.
Anyone who says it is noobish, you fail. You obviously don't get the style here. Besides, maestro can ban you if he wants :)
Yes, I came back just to say that.
Funny level! :D

Oh dear gloomp.

Oh dear.


How can you say it's so bad when people have already stated that they liked it?
Are you getting the feeling that something is passing over your head?
if a noob had submitted this map it would be given a 2/1 and be pushed to the side, what a fair world we live in. the spamed objects an tiles ruin it nr

oh god

this is terribly lame.

i've seen better maps than this from noobs.


I like weird maps.

Just I like weird good maps better.


...idk i dont see how this is featured...theres at least 40 unneeded objects i counted...gameplay was retarded...tiles were ugly...solid 5/5 from Xavi(thats the only rating i give anymore)...and im seriously not going to play N for a long time now...mostly because of the community filled with what seems to be high school popularity contest...ive never seen a bigger group of more followers in one place...honestly its pathetic and im not going to even be associated with this game anymore...
...Nexx, apse, Meta-ing, thedupli, mechtradevil, b3nbejamin, sendy, darkzero keep it real...

...fastest AGD so far...
Demo Data

i give up

enjoy your cancer here on shitty NUMA

no no no

don't encourage this behavior


i appreciate your attempts to share weird things with the loving and accepting NUMA community!


Fun-ish. 3.

But you can without

this is a masterpiece

i mean, you can't spell masterpiece without 'maestr'


I want to upload a map but once everything is filled in it says at the top: Map data must contain at least one '|' . What does that mean?


Either way.


you dog you. How much did he pay?
It IS a piece of shit.


There are 14 exit keys and only one exit?




no offence but i dont like it
Demo Data
and it feels just like the perfect jumper. AGD is just makes it harder...


Just want to point out my comment is over a year old. It's no mystery why this is so great now.
I saverd it and afvde it. Nce job maestor.
But it's not and I can't work out how. Either way, a masterpiece of mapmaking. 5/5
Demo Data



The most beatiful piece of mapmaking prowess I've seen in all my deighs.


Hello Admin.


Is balling.
Demo Data


maestro you demon, its not cool to plagerise.


However, I have proof that this is plagurised. I have had this picture on my computer for about a year now:

I shall contact the owners of NUMA and you shall be banned.


copious spelling mistakes, intentional of course? As for the level, pretty damn retro, i love it.


The above stroy is a respresetnation of ther story and its metaphors. Read it, try it, read it.