Comments on "Psychotic Racing"

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nice for

a first but i think u should have put only 1 exit cuz i won in like 1 second


this is the farthest i've gotten, merely 3 bends from the finish...
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Sorry nemetacyst

i tooks a brake in the middle of my post so by the time i submitted all those other ones had come up.

This is just an attempt at following the flow instead of my incredibly slow demo before, died at the same spot
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and i appologize to the make for so amny off topic posts, im trying to make a full demo, but theres a couple parts ive having some trouble with
im allowed my opinion too, and quite frankly, its none of your business, take notice, we are laughing about it...

my comment was just as legitimate as anybody elses, and was not asking too much(everybody who can make a good level knows better words then great and awesome), he didnt take any offence to it which is good cuz none was ment, our little joke is over now, so back off and dont start lecturing me...

Awesome job

easily the best first map I have every played although some parts lacked race-ness (for lack of a better term).

5aved if you spend this much effort on all of your maps you'll be top author in no time

Could get farther but its late
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fisrt map youve ever attempted ever, but at least you waited untill you had something to say/give before submitting anything.. exelent job, 5/5 (4.5+.5 for first map on numa)


you can call me stinger if you wish...its fine by me...

Quiet nemetacyst

let him type in the manner he chooses, without you hassling him. He capitalised two words for emphasis, which although grammatically incorrect seems fair enough when hes trying show his enthusiasm.
And telling him to use a bigger vocabulary is kinda harsh, his sentence was perfectly articulated and legible.
For all you know he might be a younger member and infact does not posses a large vocabulary...this isn't an english test, as long as its clearly understandable i think its fine

nothing personal, it just irritated me

anyway, slightly longer demo, i just hit a door by accident. Just so you know i gave this map a 4
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thats more like it!

stinger *oops* i mean, nemetacyst

With this Demo

I have advanced slightly farther into the extravagant, painstakingly thought out, and much labored over, <i>carte primero</i>. I wish you a long and fruitful stay on our beleagured site, which contains both extremes, novices like you, and immature troublemakers like some others. Once again, many thanks.
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yes finally a new person who actually can make a map. 5/5.


hilarious, traction...real original(think back on the last few bans)yea...original...right...


great and awesome are practically second grade words...

cmon...wonderful, excellent, flawless, etc...anything that i dont see 50 times a minute...


sprruy me no bien much uoi, uma, vodcab, CaNT hep u


where does vocab come into it?


please, slightly more advanced vocab...and less reliance on capitalizing...(nothing personal, it just bothers me)


wow, this is the best first map I have ever seen. Fun, beautiful, brings you back for more... it has it all.

I knew when I saw that post, I said, hey, topolord, this looks like a good new member. Well here's proof. yay.

please stay.

very cool

i think there are quite a few flow problems that make it less race-like, but dont significantly detract from the enjoyability of the level, excellent level...

i wish more people would do what you did, instead of instantly submitting crap...

for that, i will add a little extra rating and give it a five, and a fave, cuz its really good and i wanna look back for more levels you make...i look forward to it


very similar to the original, but with a GREAT race twist. love it. AWESOME first map.
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but i kept dieing, i'll try again later.

The map is great, definitely the best first map i've seen, i'm sure you'll be a great asset to the community
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