Comments on "Stealth Suit: 00-0"

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I love this map. Brilliant.
Demo Data

Demo Data
This is incredibly hard.
Demo Data

-- jaw drops --

wow, how on earth could anyone do this... I found the first mines hard to do quickly, let alone the whole level.... and as always, cheese_god's demos are incredible.....5/5 but not faved cause i cant come close to doing it!!

Really Cool


I will keep trying however, and see if I can beat it, even if I'm over 20.

little better

only a little
Demo Data

little farther

really close call in this one.
Demo Data

Got the first two

Demo Data


Incredibly difficult. Dang, I didn't even come close.
1) Mine jumpers aren't really my thing
2) I hate being pressed. I take things at my own pace.

Holy shit dude

This map is genious. When I figured out what you were actually supposed to do my mouth dropped oopen. This is good.


sure you beat it...jk

but really difficult! 5aved


On the fluky chance that I may pass it one day. In which case i will print screen it and send it to the prime minister of Australia via Rove McManus.

I beat it...

Blindfolded, wering socks on my hands and at my local train staion but it seems hat when blindfolded and wering socks on your hands hitting the 1 key proves dificult so the demo was not recorded. I beat it though...


I have beaten the game, but not this.... Now my ego is all bruised up.... THANKS A LOT!!! darn you.

If you finish

Try playing it blindfolded, wearing socks on your hands and in a train station.