Door Eerie

Thumbnail of the map 'Door Eerie'

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Author Joonil_Oh
Tags author:joonil_oh playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-01-16
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My first door eerie.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Dead Body' Thumbnail of the map 'No.5' Thumbnail of the map 'Letters, Numbers and Everything Else' Thumbnail of the map 'Gold!' Thumbnail of the map 'RUN!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Madness'
The Dead Body No.5 Letters, Numbers and Everything Else Gold! RUN!!! Madness


Pages: (0)

Solid, yo!

sorry i commented you so mean on that other one...It was a rare lapse of awesomeness. Here is a moment in which there is no lapse of aweosomeness from you. 4/5


Thanks! Learn something new every day. PS: I was wondering why you took like a minute break half way through the maze? Yeah, your N stopped and I was just watching... drinking a coke, and started thinking... next thing I knew, your N sarted moving again!


Dude thats awesome. Took me about 2 minutes to get through the one way door but its AWESOME! 5/5!

I can't believe

I played it the whole way though.

One-way platforms.

to go through, you need to jump in a 45 degree angle into the corner. look at the demo.
Demo Data

that was surpriseingly fun
Demo Data


I love mazes... and I couldn't wait to get started on yours... but about 1/3 the way, i got stuck. I provided a demo for you to see, but it's the ONE WAY platform that hinders my progress. But I like it anyway. Please fix so I can finish it.
Demo Data


I s'pose i like mine better but thats just my style.
Its not a puzzle though.