Comments on "Fissure"

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At first I was like

not another overrated dda,

then I was like


More like a PKRADDA

DDA of the year, right here. 5


i'm spent pretty less time for N atm because it bores me. but as i seen this i thought 'wtf!? thats daaaamn awesome!'.
so, you've done a great job. go one like that. :D

"4 (very good)"

It's very good actually.
Demo Data

Oh my god.

It's almost like a prisoner-like DDA with rockets, but yeah. This is awesome. Looks pretty fancy as well, which is saying something for a DDA.

Oh noes!

I was going to re-add the rockets so that wouldn't happen. :(
which is that the rocket goes below the bounceblocks and thwumps, so you cant see them.
So only a 5.
However it was simply amazing. sat through it like =O.

This is amazing,

I'm not sure i've ever seen a DDA this good before, i'mma go ahead and call DDA of the year a few months early.

Thanks for one-upping me, jackass.

you're welcome.

i'm pretty sure

i just saw a ninja and a rocket have sex on a rollercoaster
and now i have a boner
thanks 1211

i think

this is the best ctrl dda with the most close calls ever
this is


Demo Data
Demo Data


This is great. <3 5/5

this is like... the PERFECT kradda! 5/5 and faved!




that's insane.