Comments on "Fuck The Details"

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i was grinning just looking at how the tiles and items were laid out


too easy............

great map.

the circle is perfect.

first try AGD:
Demo Data

Erm, gloomp.

You basically told us everything that was evident from the thumbnail :3

I agree

with yungerkid.

Aw, fuck.

Demo Data

ugh :(

and thanks :)

Great map

just found out my N memory got wiped againnnnn :(

it's a *good* map.

i like the simplicity. 4/5

Cool map!

It reminds me a little of, well, me. But in a good way.




i like it
Demo Data


Demo Data

First try

perhaps a bit too easy :/
Demo Data

Hella yes!

I love simple maps.

Pretty well,


I liked the simplistic style of the level. It could have had more enemies in the bottom right, but the flow of the level was awesome. The sort of coggish circular thing in the middle had amazing flow and the rocket wasn't too hard to get past.


hell yeah its a map

The gauss chute should be easily accessible from both directions. The center looks a bit out of place compared to the rest of the map.

The bottom felt awesome to run through.

Demo Data


really fun, nice different flows.
Demo Data

fun to play

Demo Data

Demo Data
Demo Data

my fav path

Demo Data